Managing your account
The dashboard is the default page you see when logging in to the website. It shows you an overview of information pertaining to your account.

This area shows you a range of information. You can see summaries of any conventions you have created. You can enter the editing suite from here, either to modify an existing convention or to create a new one from scratch. The ‘invite user’ button allows you to share a convention with another person. You can decide what level of permission to give to the person you invite. ‘Read-only’ permission allows the person with which the convention is shared to create tagged links, but not to make any edits to the convention. ‘Edit permission’ allows the person with which the convention is shared to make changes. The top right of this screen has a button which allows you to install the Chrome extension, which is generally a very important part of generating tagged links. Clicking on your initials in the extreme top right of the screen allows you to logout, and to access account settings.