Getting Started
If you’re new here, don’t worry! Our videos and articles below will help you master our software in no time! However, the best way to master the UTM-Builder is by trial and error though, so never forget to experiment. Please feel free to drop us an email if you get stuck or encounter any problems: Next up are three articles that go into detail explaining the UTM-Builder. If reading is not for you we will gladly do set up a live demo with you. Shoot us an email at Right now you can request an upgrade by getting in contact with one of our team by email – . Or you can easily click Upgrade Plan when editing a profile. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.Can I Get Help Setting Up?
Yes! If you get in contact with us via we’d be more than happy to arrange a “Set-Up Session” to show you the ropes!Do you have an API?
Yes. We loves APIs and are are happy to provide free open access to your data, now and forever. But for now you’ll have to get in contact with Michael to get set up – michael.otoole@utm-builder.comHow do I share a Profile?
Sharing a profile is as easy as entering the edit view of your desired Profile and adding the email of the person you want to invite.